Darjeeling Lapsang

(1 customer review)

Pine Smoked Darjeeling Black Tea

Autumn 2020 Harvest: DJ-351 Gopaldhara Tea Estate

A great tea to try if you like Lapsang Souchong &/or Darjeeling tea!

We’ve been storing this tea at our teahouse since 2020, allowing the age to mellow & settle the into the leaf. The result in your cup is a light smokiness in the aroma & finish, combined with a juicy body of persimmon, dried apricot, & tobacco leaf.  The pine smoked tea added the desired complexity to the classic Darjeeling muscatel taste, settled in with a little age.

Truly unique!


1 review for Darjeeling Lapsang

  1. Carlos Penagarrido

    Assuming you are brewing gong fu style, don’t toss the flush/rinse… it’s like malty chocolate, great intro to the rest of the tea. I was smelling that first vapor for a while, inhaling softly, definitely part of the experience. I agree with the vendor assessment of flavors, after a few steeps, it did indeed brought back memories of a chanunpa ceremony where the tobacco was the brand American spirit. I don’t smoke but that was the lingering aftertaste I had all day long after the event. Great memories, reminds me of being grateful to the whole experience of a human life I get to have.
    I use boiling water and steep a few seconds in the beginning, increasing the time every steep, you will find that there is a journey of subtle changes every time… and that slight lingering astringency reminds me of eating a bruised ripe quince.

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